Mizoram predominantly a christian populated state, is towards southern most tips of the north eastern states, sharing boarders of Manipur, Assam, Tripura then jutting down between Myanmar and Bangladesh.
The world Mizo means highlander a collective name given by their neighbours to a number of tribes which settled in the area. They are originally believed to have come from North-western China and gradually pushed themselves towards their present homeland, less then 300 years ago. The state has thick bambo forest, rivers run in narrow ribbons that seem to be challenging onlookers to plunge in for some excitement. The hill range runnings in north south direction are resplendent with green vegetation throughout the year. The highest peak, phawngpui (meaning Vast Meadow) known as blue Mountain a garden of rhododendron of arboreum and veitchiaum species is 2,065 mtrs (7,100ft.) there are number of a hilly streams and rivers which number through idylic scenario.
Places to VisitAizawal