Though one of India's holiest pilgrimage centres, Puri is also clebrated for its attractive coastline, that has gifted it with some very fine beaches. The beach front is wide, and ideal for beach sports. The sea at Puri can, however, be rough. Swimming, here, is recommended only in the company of life guards, who can be distinguished by their characteristic yellow conical caps. There are several resorts, that line the beaches, and range from the modest in comfort, to the more luxurious. Due to the rough sea, water sports are not common.
Gopalpur-on-SeaAnother popular beach resort is Gopalpur-on-Sea, 170 km from Bhubaneshwar, and 15 km from Berhampur. This is a perfect beach, fairly isolated, and undisturbed by day-trippers. This place is good for both sailing and surfing.
Another divine beach resort of Orissa, Chandipur is situated 16 kms away from Balasore. It is a unique beach in that that the sea water recedes about 5 kms during low tide and advances to the shore line again during high tide, each day.
Places to Visit
Bhubaneshwar, Puri, Konark