- the land of the Rajputs, is known for its kings, fearless warriors and
beautiful women. It's also known for its forts, palaces and temples which
are a reminder of the glorious past. Kingdoms were carved and established
by the Rajputs on horseback, while swords were stained with enemy blood.
Horses were highly priced and a Rajput warrior would give
anything to own a good horse. Great care was taken to breed horses and to
keep a clean and pure lineage. The result of many years of dedication and
hard work helped create breeds like the Marwah, Kathiawadi and the sindhi,
each having its own distinct characteristics and bred solely for the
purpose of war. These horses were noted for their stamina and fierce
loyalty to their masters, these gallant steeds, the Rajputs became famous
worldwide. There is an old saying;