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Andaman & Nicobar Travel Guide
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Nicobar Island
The Nicobar Islands are a chain of nineteen islands with car Nicobar as the
Headquaters of the Nicobar District. The Islands are flat and fertile and
the main attractions are the thick coconut groves, and the local huts which
are built on stilts.
Approchableby air and sea. Visitors are ferried from the ship
to the shore by motor-boats or canoes.
Seafood is Easily available and deliciously cooked. This includes fish, lobsters
and shrimps. There is also a whole variety of cuisines from kerala and west
bengal in addtion to fresh fruits like coconuts, bananas, papayas, and sapota
- a typical fruit of the tropics.
The islands offers a wide selection of handicarfts made from wood, fibre and
sea- shells. There is mother of perl Jewellery in the from of necklace, Bracelets
etc. Then there are coconut shells, astrays, soap dishes, lampshades apart
from wooden items like walking sticks.
Hotels, Resorts and Lodges etc. to suit all budgets are available at port
blair and some other places also.