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India: Fairs & Festivals: July

(Festivals in India are determined by the Solar & Lunar positions & they may fall in a different month as specified here. Kindly contact our members for exact date/ month of festivals/ fairs in India)
This spectacular chariot festival is held at the famous Jagannath Temple at Puri. Images of Lord Jagannath, his sister Subhadra and brother Balbhadra are taken out in procession in three chariots to their summer temple of a week. The main chariot is 14 meters high and 10 meters square with 16 wheels. The ropes of the huge chariots are pulled by millions of devotes who also believe that this act bestows salvation upon them.

At the temple town of Puri in Orissa, the image of the god Krishna (known as Jagannath in the State) is taken out with great ceremony in June-July each year. Images of the god and his brother Rath Yatra in PuriBalbhadra and sister Subhadra are placed in giant large yellow chariots or raths which are then drawn by pilgrims.

The chariots are 45 feet high and have 6 wheels. The procession or rath yatra draws huge crowds from all over the country.

An atmosphere of almost hysterical devotion prevails on this day and in earlier years, devotees were known to have thrown themselves under the wheels of the rath in the hope of obtaining instant salvation.

GURU PURNIMA (All over India)
A special worship is performed on this day to all teachers and is caled Guru Purnima. Worship of the great Vyasa, the author of the great epic, Mahabharata, is a part of the celebration. On this day students visit their elders, teachers and guides in order to show respect to them with gifts of cocounts, clothes and sweets. These gifts are called gurudakshina. Discourses are held in community gatherings to hear the readings of the holy book, Bhagwad Gita.
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