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Goa Beaches
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Colva Beach
6 kms from Margao. Colva beach is the pride of Salcete and the only rival to
Calangute by its scenic splendour. Here, sand, sea and sky blend in
enchanting natural harmony unspoilt by men. Has good accommodation
facilities, particularly at the tourist cottages.
It is the pride
of Salcete and the only rival to Calangute in scenic splendor. Here sea,
sand and sky blend in enchanting natural harmony. Colva is one of the most
popular beaches in South Goa.The beach offers good accommodation.
Colva stretches sun-drenched, palm fringed and virtually deserted for
kilometers. 20years ago precious little disturbed its soft white sands and
warm crystal-clear turquoise their waters, except the local fishers who
pulled their catch in by hands each morning, and the few of the more
intrepid hippies who had forsaken the obligatory drugs, sex and rock and
roll of Calangute for the smoothing tranquility of this corner of paradise.
It is the main evening and weekend day-trip destination for the people
of Margao, so it becomes packed with cars, motorbikes, scooters and
pedestrians. On the road into Colva from Margao you pass the large Church of
Our Lady of Mercy (Nossa Senhora das Merces, 1630, re-built in the 18th
century). The statue of Menino Jesus housed here is said to have miraculous
properties. Colva is at heart of the longest unbroken stretch of beach (25
kms) in Goa from Mormagao peninsular in the north to Cabo de Rama in the
A hot-season retreat for Margao's mediocre classes since
long before Independence, Colva is the oldest and largest - of south Goa's
resorts. Its leafy outlying vaddos, or wards, are pleasant enough, dotted
with colonial lection of concrete hotels, souvenir stalls and fly-blown
snack bars strewn around a bleak central roundabout. Colva is pleasant and
convenient place to stay, swimming is relatively safe, while the sand, at
least away from the beachfront, is spotless and scattered with beautiful