Alternative Medicines: Homoeopathy

HomeopathyA system of medical treatment started by a German physician, Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843 A.D.) homoeopathy is based on the premise that the symptoms of a disease are evidence of a curative process going on in the body in response to the disease. The homoeopathic physician attempts to promote the further development of these systems in order to science developed primarily in Europe and not having its roots embedded in tradition and history, it has over the years, become an integral part of the Indian way of life. Partly due to its remarkable healing capacity and partly to the low cost of medicines involved, it is widely used by a large segment of the Indian population. Indian homoeopaths have contributed to its growth by developing and adding many medicines and drugs based on their study of other prevalent systems of medicine in the country. "Similia similibus curantur"-"Like cures like" - is the guiding principle of homoeopathy. In practice this means that a drug which is capable of producing a certain set of symptoms in a healthy body when taken in large physiological doses, will relieve or 'cure' a similar set of symptoms in the diseased organism when it is given in small homoeopathic doess. True homoeopathic medicines in high potency doses are so highly refined that they

Homeopathycannot possibly prduce harmful results or suppress nature's cleaning and healing efforts.

Every acute disease is the result of a cleaning and healing effort by nature. Giving a remedy which produces the same or similar symptoms in the system, aids Nature in her attempts to overcome the abnormal conditions; thus accelerating and hastening the curative process. If the remedy is well chosen, the very first homoeopathic aggravation will be followed by speedy readjustment.

Disease resides in the cells of the body. The well-being of the organism as a whole is dependent upon the health of the individual cells of which it is composed. To restore them to health, cells must be freed of all undesirable encumbrances. Homoeopaths are of the opinion that toxins and waste products are generated in the body and merely stimulating the activity of the kidneys or the skin with allphathic drugs will not neutralize and oxidize these morbid materials. These drugs suppress acute bodily reactions, thus interrupting Nature's efforts to cleanse, heal and cure; thereby changing acute healing processes into chronic destructive diseases. Homoeopathy, on the other hand, assists Nature in relieving cells of their toxic burden resulting in a healthy body.

The invisible natural forces in the human body are continuously at work to restore the balance and harmony in the system. Based on these studies, HomeopathyDr. William Schussler, a homoeopathic physician of long experience, came to the conclusion that this process is carried out at the cellular level and that it require only 12 remedies to restore the impaired health of the body by supplying to it the vital cell-slats that it is deficient in. these cell-salts are the inorganic constituents of the body's tissues. They are supplied by nature in a pure and atomized form in certain proportions in all tissue of the body, in all plants and in all foods. They are abundantly available in their crude and impure state on the earth. The composition of the 12 remedies formulated by Dr.Schussler corresponds with the principle inorganic elements found in the body. Absolutely harmless, these tissue salts or mineral salts are not drugs in any sense of the word. They simply provide the system with its deficient inorganic elements, prepared homeopathically, in an extremely fine form which ensures their ready assimilation and a speedy restoration of the balance and harmony in the system.

Alternative Medicines
Ayurveda, Yoga & Tantra, The Tibetan System of Medicine, The Unani System of Medicine, Homoeopathy, Aromatheraphy, Gem Theraphy

Alternative Medicines » Ayurveda . Yoga & Tantra . The Tibetan System of Medicine
The Unani System of Medicine Homoeopathy . Aromatheraphy . Gem Theraphy