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Hi-Tech Healing Opportunities: Gynaecology &
Indian Hospital with gynecology department and women's hospitals have
facilities for the prevention and early detection of gynecological
disorders. Many hospitals have women check-up programs designed to detect
the earliest signs of disorders of the breast and the organs of
reproduction as well as surgical care is available for all types of
gynaecological problems like menstrual abnormalities, prolapse, fibroids
and other tumours of the uterus and ovaries, tubal recanalisation by
microsurgery and care of the infertile couple. State-of-the-art
gynaecological surgery is available with world class equpement and
expertise using minimally invasive techniques.
pregnancies, ovarian cysts and tumours, fibroids endometrosis, tubal
bloick and even hysterectomies can be performed laparoscopically.
Hospitals like Apollo have state-of-the-art IVF labs backed by highly
experienced doctors who have been involved in the field of infertility and
Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART). A full range of diagnostic
procedures are available for the infertile couple.
Treatment for
the disorders of ovulation, controlled ovarian stimulation, Intra-Utrine
Insemination (IUI), Intra-Fallopian Tubal Insemination (IFI), In Vitro
Fertilization (IVF) and Gamete Intra-Fallopian Transfer (GIFT), Embryo
Transfer (ET), Zygote Intra-Fallopian Transfer (ZIFT), sperm donation,
freezing egg/oocyte donation, replacement of frozen embryos, full range of
treatment of male infertility including micro-manipulation technology -
Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) and surrogacy. The emphasis is on
optimizing each couple's chance of achieving a pregnancy by combining the
best scientific and medical practice with the highest standard of care.
Healing Opportunities
Care -|- Bone
Marrow Transplant -|-
Dialysis and
Kidney Transplant -|-
Neurosugery &
Trauma Surgery -|- Joint
Replacement Surgery -|- Vascular
Surgery -|- Refractive
Surgery -|- Nuclear
Medicine -|- Cosmetic
Surgery -|- Urology -|-
Osteoporosis -|-
Gynaecology &
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